Oleg Vasilievich Inshakov

An outstanding Russian economist, researcher in the field of evolutionary economic theory, the history of Russian economic institutionalism, institutional economic theory, theory of economic mechanisms. The author of the evolutionary-genetic theory of production factors and the “development core” model of economic systems, the theory of economic genetics and nanoeconomics, the originator of the theory of the global economic system and expanded notion of the object and subject of economic theory based on the evolution of its level structure.

Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation, Cavalier of the Orders of Friendship and Honor, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Rector of Volgograd State University in 1995–2014, President of Volgograd State University in 2014–2016, Director of the Research Institute for Social and Economic development of the Region at Volgograd State University in 2016–2017.

Founder of a powerful scientific school "Patterns of evolution, methods of transformation and strategic modernization of economic systems" on the problems of functioning, structuring and evolution of economic systems of various kinds, types, levels and scales. 26 Doctors’ Dissertation and 51 Candidate's Dissertation have been performed under the supervision of O.V. Inshakov

Honorary Professor at Jilin University, China (2009), Honorary Doctor at Southern Federal University (2014), Distinguished Professor at Volgograd State University (2017), Honorary Professor at Economic Research Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2017).


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